5 Myths About Socks Proxies

Most of us have heard about proxy recently because this technology is in the limelight due to the ongoing war between internet users and government, ISPs and even tech giants like Google and Apple.

I say war because it literally is, we are trying to protect our privacy, have freedom and equality on the internet. You can even call this as a modern form of the freedom struggle.

Proxies were not always associated with privacy or internet security. In simple terms, they were just used as a layer between the local area network (LAN) and the internet adding some structure to such systems.

Suppose you wish to request some data, your request will first go to the proxy server, the server then forwards it to the internet and in the same way, brings back the results. So this made proxy an excellent tool to be used for anonymity and thus evolved today's web proxy services that we know of.

With time, proxies evolved and today we have SOCKS5, Reverse, Residential type of proxies to name a few.

You might have heard about SOCKS proxies but this is not something most of us know of, so we come up with speculations.

I checked many proxy forums and gathered few myths that people usually have and as most of the proxy providers sell SOCKS proxies, I am going to burst these myths so that you can better understand what SOCKS actually is.

1. Encryption:


Unlike protocols like OpenVPN and L2TP, SOCKS doesn't encrypt the data being transferred. OpenVPN and L2TP are tunnelling protocols which are used for VPN, while SOCKS acts as a gateway for communication for devices behind the firewall. It doesn't try to understand or modify the traffic between the client and the server.

2. SOCKS is slow:

socks is slow

It is important that we ask this question, what platform is it operating? Does it really affect the end to end data transfer?

As we discussed earlier, SOCKS doesn't encrypt nor does it interfere or interpret the traffic which surely makes it faster compared to other protocols. The major factor when it comes to internet speed is your original bandwidth, SOCKS doesn't really contribute to slowing things down.

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: 911proxy

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