A Look at the Basics – Elements of Interior Design

It's quite natural for homeowners to want their abode looking its best at all times. At one point, you may have thought of making certain changes to your home to achieve the kind of improvement you envisioned.

If you've been planning a home renovation in Hong Kong, it's likely that you've also given the interior design a thought.

But before you give your home a new look, it's good to know the basics. Let's take a look at some of the elements of interior design.

SPACE. This element refers to the size and structure of the actual room or building you want to work on. The size of a room or the amount of space available can heavily influence how it can designed and the choice of furnishings to use. Oftentimes, professionals find ways to make the most of the space you have.

FORM. Form refers to the shape or outline of furniture, space, and other objects in a room. The term is often used interchangeably with shape. This element can create a sense of unity in a room. Using similar forms can make a room look harmonious. On the other hand, using different shapes may result in a confusing design.

LINE. Anywhere you look, you can see many different lines. They can be straight or curved, horizontal or vertical. Line may seem like a very subtle element to notice but this plays an important role in design as it creates form and shape. It is responsible for creating unity, harmony and contrast in a room.

LIGHT. The element of light can be natural (sunlight) or man-made (lighting fixtures) and it has a close relationship with color. Without light, color cannot exist. Light can influence the mood of a room and create a certain atmosphere depending on the type or amount used. Reduced light, for example, can make a room feel more relaxed and calming whereas bright light makes a space look cheerful.

COLOR. A fundamental element of interior design, color can work wonders. Using a particular color or a combination can make a room look more aesthetically pleasing. Much like light, this can affect the mood of a place. Bright colors can make a place appear cheerful, cool colors look relaxing and neutral colors are calming.

PATTERN. Imagine a room without any kind of pattern at all. Something would definitely feel wrong. The room would look dull. Pattern adds life to a room and makes furnishings look more interesting. This can be found in the repetitive designs in fabrics, wallpapers and basically any object. With beautiful qualities, pattern works hand in hand with color.

TEXTURE. Texture is simply the feel or consistency of an object or surface. This element appeals to the touch - the smoothness of your tabletop or the roughness of your carpet. Texture can enhance the features of a room. For example, if you want to add texture to your smooth hard floors, you can use rugs.

Giving your home a makeover is not an easy task. If you're planning to make some improvements in your home, you might want to consider hiring an interior an interior designer in Hong Kong. Getting the help of an expert can ensure a successful outcome of the project.

If you need more information please visit: https://www.d-e-lab.com/

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